Leagues, Competitions and Events at Longwood

  • Entering events: Many competitions are now entered online at the Sportsoft website where the results will also be posted. Ask before entering as some are entered by the club, some by individual athletes
  • The Northern Track and Field League (2nd Year U17s and Senior Athletes only) This is entered by the club's designated team manager - you need to give your name availability and main events (Track and Field) to them for entry. You should expect to take part in at least three events even if you have not done them before to gain points for the team (Team manager: Steve Clark)
  • The Yorkshire and District Athletics League (YADAL) (U13-U17 only)
    This is entered by the club's designated team manager - you need to give your name, availability and main events (Track and Field) to them for entry, but you are expected to do the maximum number of events your are allowed, to gain points for the team. You should expect to take part in at least three events even if you have not done them before.  (Team manager: Vacancy)
  • The West Yorkshire Track and Field League (WYTF) (All age groups)
    The athlete (not the club) enters for all events with one payment online at the Sportsoft website (Create an account first). Check and click the year on the left and then scroll down to the relevant date; click the 'Enter now' button
  • The West Yorkshire Track and Field Championships (WYTFC) (All age groups)
    This is an event where entry is made by the Athlete on the Sportsoft website separately but you have to have done at least one WYTF league event to be eligible
  • Longwood Senior Road League (u20 and above)
    For Senior Athletes only - ask at training. It is a League within the club where Club Athletes achieve points for each race they do and winners are declared at the end of the season. The races can be local events or events organised by the club if they are included in the league list
  • Cross country events
    These are entered via a a team manager at the club or to the organisers themselves - many will be on the Sportsoft Website. There are some others but the main events we enter are:
    - West Yorkshire Cross Country League
    - Yorkshire County Cross Country
    - Northern Cross Country
    - English National Cross Country
  • Calendar of all Club events this season
    Uses a Google Calendar. Default view is for this month; use navigation arrows to see other months or look at the top right tab named 'Agenda' for list of upcoming events which you can print. You can add it to your google calendar if you have one. Longwood Club calendar

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